
Introducing Melanie

Melanie is a single foster mother who has cared for the same four children since being licensed.  It breaks her heart every time she receives a text or call stating a child needs a placement.  Melanie can’t imagine her life without fostering, and she hopes to remain available to help as many children as she can for a long, long time.  Melanie states that the kids in her home are so precious and wonderful.  They are in the situations by no fault of their own and they want, need, and deserve love, support, normalcy, and safety.  She states that they show this need in many ways, but each child eventually responds to the care you provide, and they are stronger and smarter and sweeter than even they knew they could be.  The kids have learned to deal with hurt and anger, they have grown in their relationships with one another, and have come to understand to respect adults and how to gain and expect the same level of respect back.  Melanie feels she has been very blessed to watch them blossom and grow while in her care.  We are so lucky to have Melanie on our team to love and care for these kids.