Introducing Jason and Holly

Jason and Holly have been licensed foster parents since September 2021. The family felt they were called to foster and help children in need as well as their birth families. Since they have been licensed, they have helped with several placements and respites. They recently took in a child that has additional needs; they have been very hands on with the child and going above and beyond to meet each of those needs. Jason and Holly always have children’s best interests in mind. They have been open to mentoring relationships with biological families, helping with transportation, and just representing what it truly means to foster children in need. Since the child they have in their home has been placed with them, the child has thrived, behaviors have lessened, and social development has improved. The family does not hesitate to reach out and seek resources that children need to make sure all their needs are met timely. It has been wonderful collaborating with them these last several months. We are excited to see how much more they will accomplish with their loving, gracious attitude and servant’s hearts.