Introducing Stephanie

Hello, everyone!

I am thrilled to introduce myself as Stephanie and express my immense excitement about joining the Mentor Team at the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida. This incredible opportunity to help reunite families and make a positive impact has truly captured my heart.

A little over eight years ago, my family and I made the move from Wisconsin to Florida, and we have absolutely fallen in love with our new home. The warmth and beauty of this community have been a source of inspiration for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to give back.

As a mother myself, I understand firsthand the challenges and joys that come with parenting. For 13 years, I navigated the journey as a single parent, and looking back, I realize how invaluable it would have been to have a positive mentor by my side during those difficult times. Parenting is hard work, and having someone to offer support, guidance, and a listening ear can make a world of difference.

Now, I am eager to share my experiences and lessons learned over the years to help others who may be facing similar challenges. Whether it’s offering advice, lending a helping hand, or simply being a compassionate presence, I am ready and committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those I meet.

I am fortunate to have a loving family that includes my husband, two beautiful daughters, and three incredibly large and cuddly dogs. They bring so much joy and fulfillment to my life, and they inspire me to extend that same love and support to others.

I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Mentor Team at the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida. To have the chance to work alongside dedicated individuals who share the same passion for reuniting families is truly a blessing. Together, we can make a lasting impact by providing the support and guidance that families need to thrive.

Thank you for this incredible opportunity to help. I am honored to be part of this journey and excited about the positive difference we can make together.

Warmest regards,
