Introducing Stacie

Hello, my name is Stacie and I’m excited about this journey and the opportunity to bless other parents through the reunification process by providing skills, services, and knowledge to help them successfully achieve and maintain their parenting goals. As a mother of four (Ages 22, 21, 19, and 15), I understand the hardships of navigating the challenges of working with children throughout the various stages of life and hope to bring a listening ear as well as much-needed support and guidance. I have an extensive background in early childhood education and recently obtained my master’s degree in human services counseling. One of the best things about working with others and being a mentor is watching them grow confident in their abilities to start believing in themselves!

For more information on our Family Mentor Program please call: Gardiner McDowell at 239-707-8902 for our Dads Coaching Dads Mentor Program or Neffeteria Williams for our Moms Mentor Program at 239-412-5725.