Mentor Monday

Introducing Sally
I am a family mentor, because I believe it takes a lot of people, working together, for a successful community. I have made many mistakes, followed negative influences, and chosen wrong paths. Sometimes the shame, got so heavy that I wanted to crawl under the bed and not get out. Because of the mentors in my life, I was able to get up, forgive myself, and move forward. They told me I was worth it, until I began to believe it.
Mentors come in many forms. My mentors were women, children, friends, teachers, counselors, and family. I can learn lessons every day if I am self-aware and open to change.
Today I live my passion of service to others. The family mentorship program for The Children’s Network is a wonderful way to serve some of our most needed population.
I have worked hard, gone back to school, finished my degree at 50, and live a healthy lifestyle. My purpose is to have a positive impact on the lives of others by lifting them up, encouraging kindness, and loving unconditionally. I want to share my positivity with anyone that needs it. Maya Angelou defines success as, “liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it”. Today, I am successful

Introducing Kirsten, Adam & family
When I first heard about the Family Mentor program, I was ecstatic about the thought of having someone to talk to and support us without judgement. This is such a blessing when you’re struggling to put all the pieces of your life back together.
Hello everyone, my name is Kirsten and I have a very inspiring story. 3 1/2 years ago my husband and I lost our children due to some bad decisions we made. After our children were taken from us, we went down a dark road of drugs and depression. We lived in a tent in the woods starving, and we would even hold a sign up that said, “WILL WORK FOR FOOD”. Desperate for a change the court gave us a second chance and we took it.
Now going on 3 years clean, I have a full-time job my husband has opened a business we have a home, and our family is back together. It’s been a struggle but so worth it. If it’s really what you want, you will stop at nothing to better your life and the lives of your family. Never give up. Stay strong. Stay positive. If we can do it, you can too.
I feel so blessed to have Jen and her husband as mentors they are wise, understanding and so kind. They help the process not be so lonely. When I need to vent or need advice they are there. Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. Thank you for both for being our families’ mentors. We appreciate you so much.

Introducing Renee
I have been matched to a young mom for just a couple of weeks. I’m excited to get to know her and her son. We have plans to get together to make some freezer meals to make mealtime a little less stressful.
I chose to mentor because I hope that I can share from what I’ve learned in raising my kids. When I was a young mom, I wished I had someone to bounce stuff off of, so maybe I can help her in this way. I have saved all the resources that our Mentor Coordinator has shared into a file. So, when the young mom mentions a need, I go to that file to forward those agencies to her. If I run into an instance where I don’t have any idea, I go directly back to Leslie for advice/more resources/help!!

Introducing Deanna & her daughter Brylie
Before I started the Family Mentor Program at the Children’s Network, I didn’t share my feelings with anyone. I decided to give this program a try, I let Sally (below on right) my Mentor in, and this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Because of working with a Mentor, I have learned to trust and share my thoughts and feelings. Sally doesn’t judge me; she motivates me. She helped me start a savings account and now I’m working on saving money. I’m also working on finishing my probation and I have someone to help guide me.
For other moms that are unsure of working with a mentor I hope this will help give you some insight and maybe you can give this program a try just like I did.

Introducing Bronya
I chose to be a mentor because I am a strong believer that it takes a village to raise a child. I have been matched with a young mom for about a month now. It has been great getting to know her and we have a lot in common. I hope that my own experiences can help her to continue to make great choices. I did not have anyone to really help me when I was a young mom trying to raise and support my 3 kids alone. I hope that knowing I am here and not judging will help my mentees open up and ask tough questions.
I hope to gain as much knowledge about others’ lives and situations as they gain from me and my own life. None of us can do better or be better, if we do not work together to achieve that goal.
I appreciate the support I get from my Mentor Coordinator. It is great knowing that if I need direction with anything she is there to help. She has made this commitment easier by making sure we all have what we need to succeed.
“Yard by yard life’s hard, Inch by inch life’s a cinch”
John Bytheway

Introducing Roz
When I was about 18, I thought of my future. I had always wanted to be a teacher, but didn’t pass fourth quarter geometry, had no guidance, changed my path, and became a dental hygienist. My desires for my future included lots of traveling, going to World’s Fairs, getting married, having children, and having extra money. I had no idea how low on funds my family was, that purchases couldn’t be made, just because we wanted things. Prior to these thoughts, I volunteered for the youth division of MARC, for people with intellectual problems. I found I loved volunteering and joined a few agencies. Well, we never got rich, but I could offer my time and energies to helping those less fortunate. I was taught a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a meal on my plate was real riches. My family received funds and clothing, when my husband was in a federal penitentiary for a white collar crime. I was working 3 part time jobs, and really needed help. I never forgot the feelings, using the piece of paper that allowed us to get winter jackets and boots, or had free services to have my pipes wrapped, for insulation. My saying and I have lots of them is “Do what you can, when you can”. My life is busy, but when I heard in a seminar about all that Children’s Network does, I was in. I am new at this, and trying to have a good relationship with my mentee. I look forward every day to offer myself to G-d, to be of service, if He feels I am worthy enough.
Sayings I live by:
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Gandhi
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Eleanor Roosevelt
Also, each day ends with Y, so Y can’t I help?
My last thought is to offer positive thinking that life can and will get better. That is so true for me, and I want to pass it on.