Introducing Maziane
Introducing…Maziane has been such a huge asset to the agency. She has hit the ground running and in her year of licensure, has helped with placement for over 10 children. Maziane has stepped out of her comfort zone and has been willing to help the agency with children outside of her initial age range. She has been very caring and supportive of children in the home and has planned many activities with the children. Maziane helped reunify 3 children placed in her home and worked diligently with the professional team to assure the children could go home. She assists the children and families in making a smooth transition from her home by keeping open communication and relationships with birth families. She makes sure to invite them to different events that their children participate in and has maintained contact with one of the birth mothers and has been a huge support to her. Thank you Maziane for all you do each day for our children and families. We are so lucky to have you on our team.