Introducing Jeff

Hello, I’m Jeff Webster, a devoted father to my daughter, Maddison, and an experienced foster parent. At 44, I’ve navigated the ups and downs of parenthood, learning valuable lessons in patience, resilience, and love along the way.

My journey has included sleepless nights, milestone celebrations, and many quiet moments of connection. These experiences have given me a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of raising children.

Volunteering is my way of giving back to the community that has supported me. I want to mentor other dads because I know the profound impact a positive role model can have. By sharing my experiences, I aim to offer guidance, support, and encouragement to fathers who might need a listening ear or some advice.

I enjoy spending time at theme parks with the children, cooking family meals, and engaging in community service projects, all of which enrich my life and help me bond with my daughter. I look forward to connecting with other fathers, sharing our stories, and supporting each other in the adventure of parenthood.

For more information on our Family Mentor Program please call: Gardiner McDowell at 239-707-8902 for our Dads Coaching Dads Mentor Program or Neffeteria Williams for our Moms Mentor Program at 239-412-5725.