Gwednolyn (Wendy)


Hello Ofelia,

I understand you are Gwendolyn’s supervisor. I just wanted to take a second and let you know what a fantastic job she is doing.

I have had a service coordination case opened on one of her kiddos since May so I have had the pleasure to see her working for quite a little bit.

This is clearly a high needs case and she is constantly meeting it with compassion, perseverance, and determination. Juliano is so incredibly lucky to have Gwendolyn in his corner.

From a professionalism standpoint, my caseload spans the whole state of Florida and I do not work with a single case worker who is more responsive or knowledgeable about her case than Gwendolyn is. As someone who worked in her role for a decade, I am so grateful for her as I know how grueling the work it can be. You’ve got a good one!

Just wanted to pass that along as it’s a thankless job and we should share some sunshine whenever we can!

Have a great week 😊

Caitlin Revis

Behavioral Health Services Coordinator

Child Welfare Specialty Plan