Erica Mitchell
The Guardian ad Litem Program newsletter recognizes incredible community partners in each edition. Erica was selected as the GAL community partner for the most recent edition. Please see the attached newsletter for Erica’s feature. GAL Volunteer, Betsy Warner nominated Erica noting her attention to detail and spectacular staffing job. Congratulations Erica! Thank you for going above and beyond and recognizing the importance of working together!
“I would like to commend Quality Assurance Specialist Erica Mitchell on her Permanency Staffing reports. They are, by far, the best written, most fact filled synopsis of a case that I have ever read. I could tell that she took the time to research these cases and document ALL accurate pertinent facts and recommendations. This shows passion for her job. Well done Erica! I hope that I have the pleasure of working with you on all my cases for quite some time.”
Holly Rodriguez, MSW, CPM
Circuit Director
20th Judicial Circuit – Fort Myers
Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Glades, and Lee Counties