Introducing Ed

Hi, my name is Ed Murdza. I am originally from Connecticut. I mentored a 9-year-old boy from 2010 through 2013 in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and keep in touch with him and visit him every time I go home to CT to visit my sister and family.

In October of 2019, after being involved as a leader with the students at Cape Christian Church, God spoke to me and told me it was time to help a child in the foster system that needed a family. I began my journey fostering. In January of 2021, I was finally approved to adopt a child and soon met Horace Ramtahal from the Children’s Network, who had a match for me, a six-year-old boy. I am so blessed I met Horace as he was amazing through the process. He told me from the day I met him to stay positive through this journey and he would be here for me every step of the way. I finally adopted my son as a single Dad in November 2021 with 25 other families; November is National Adoption Month.

We both attend church every Sunday with my dad, and I am a leader for the middle school students. My son and I also volunteer for different events at church, where my son shines and loves to help. He is amazing and the best thing that ever has happened to me! We have had some challenges, but we always get through them, and I always tell my son I will always be here for him no matter what happens. He loves his new family and has a very close relationship with his poppy (my dad), his cousins, aunts, and uncles. All my life, it’s always been family first!

I have been thinking and praying a lot about what is next in my journey, and I have decided to give back to the Children’s Network and be a mentor for other dads. My son and I also want to get involved in volunteering when needed. The Children’s Network is an amazing place, and the staff is wonderful; I will never forget how they helped me through my process of adopting a child. Also, sometime soon I plan to adopt another child. God is Good. Love is Good. Love God, Love People!

For more information on our Family Mentor Program, please call: Gardiner McDowell at 239-707-8902 for our Dads Coaching Dads Mentor Program or Neffeteria Williams for our Moms Mentor Program at 239-412-5725.