Essential Steps to Stay Safe

Reading to your child should begin prior to deliveryDo daily after delivery for years to come. 

by Irwin J. Kash, MD


As hurricane season approaches, it is crucial to understand the significance of a Hurricane Watch and be prepared for potential severe weather conditions. This article provides valuable information and guidelines, courtesy of USAA, to help you stay safe and well-prepared during a Hurricane Watch. Remember, proper planning and taking necessary precautions can make a significant difference in your safety and recovery after a natural disaster.

A Hurricane Watch means conditions are possible within a certain area, issued 48 hours in advance.

A Hurricane Warning means conditions are expected within a certain area, issued 36 hours in advance.

You can download the First Aid: American Red Cross App and the FEMA Gov App.

    1. Pack emergency supplies: During a Hurricane Watch, it is essential to gather emergency supplies that can sustain you and your family for at least three days. Consider including the following items:
    • First-aid kit
    • Radio with extra batteries
    • One gallon of water per person per day
    • Nonperishable food and a manual can opener
    • Essential medications
    • Smartphone chargers, including a car charger
    • Food and supplies for your pets
    • Download the First Aid: American Red Cross and FEMA.Gov Apps
    1. Plan your route: Before the hurricane hits, plan your evacuation route and ensure you have enough fuel in your vehicle. Stay informed about road closures and authorized evacuation routes. Avoid taking shortcuts to ensure a safe and smooth evacuation.
    2. Gather important documents: Collect important documents such as financial account information, birth and marriage certificates, passports, Social Security cards, wills, deeds, recent tax returns, and stocks, bonds, and other negotiable certificates. Safeguarding these documents is crucial for recovery and insurance purposes.
    3. Inform extended family and employers: Notify a family member about your planned destination and evacuation route. It’s important to keep your loved ones updated about your whereabouts. Similarly, inform your employer about your situation to ensure appropriate arrangements can be made.
    4. Secure your home: Before leaving your home during a Hurricane Watch, take necessary precautions to secure your property. Lock all doors and windows, unplug electrical equipment (except freezers and refrigerators), and take steps to minimize potential damage.
    5. Seek refuge and assistance: Contact emergency organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to gather information about available shelters. Research local facilities that provide temporary shelter for pets. Check with your home or renter insurance company for a list of safe places to stay if you are evacuated.


By understanding the implications of a Hurricane Watch and taking proactive measures, you can greatly enhance your safety and preparedness during severe weather events. Remember to prioritize your emotional well-being and make informed decisions regarding evacuation. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, prioritize safety, report property damage to your insurance company, and seek support from friends, neighbors, and resources like Preparing for a Hurricane | USAA. Stay safe, be prepared, and recover effectively from hurricanes and other natural disasters.